The course is coordinated by the Department of Life Sciences, but involves researchers from Clinical Department of Medicine and Surgery and a significant contribution of researchers from ICGEB inTrieste. The course also involves the IRCCS CRO in Aviano, where several students perform their research training.
Students are assigned at least two supervisors, that coordinate and monitor their research activity.
At the end of the 1st year, with the assistance of their supervisors, students submit a Project Proposal, and present their project in a public talk. This is required for the formal approval of passage to the 2nd year by the Doctoral Board.
At the end of the 2nd year students submit a midterm report on their research, and present their results in a public talk. This is required for approval of their passage to the 3rd year by the Doctoral Board.
End-of-year presentations are organized jointly in a DBM students’ workshop with the participation of all students and supervisors.
At the end of the third year, students will defend their Thesis, which will have previously been approved by two external examiners, in a public Final exam in front of a commission of three or more experts, for conferral of the PhD.