Courses and programmes

The PhD programme has an innovative structure, which includes various types of training activities.

Each PhD student must follow a specific didactic program, consistent with his/her research project. The didactic program involves the attendance of courses, seminars organized by the Departments, and also the participation to national or international Schools and Workshops specifically organized for PhD students by several scientific Institutions (e.g. the Italian Chemical Society). Every year the Doctorate activates for the PhD students a number of specific courses among which they can select those of interest. When needed, teaching is done in English. In addition, or as an alternative, the students can choose to attend courses taken from the Master degrees (in Chemistry, but also Pharmacy, Biology,...). In addition, students can attend courses organized by the other Doctorates of the University of Trieste (for example Nanotechnology and Physics). Lastly, the Doctorate organizes for the PhD students a number of seminars, given by Italian or foreign scientists on specific topics. Participation to these seminars is compulsory.

The System of credits

General Guidelines:

  • PhD students must earn at least a minimum of 20 credits within the 3 years of the course duration
  • There are 7 different types of activities recognized for credit allocation
  • Each activity is characterized by a minimum and maximum number of credits that can be recognized