Courses and programmes

The PhD programme has an innovative structure, which includes various types of training activities.

The training program in Physics offers PhD students a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in all research fields explored at the University of Trieste and collaborating institutions. A variety of courses cover advanced topics in nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology, theoretical and experimental condensed matter physics, fundamental quantum mechanics, field theory and quantum information theory, quantum optics and AMO physics, and imaging techniques. Emphasis is placed on developing experimental methods, theoretical and computational approaches, and data analysis techniques. All courses are taught by professors or researchers. At the start of the program, PhD students select courses to earn at least 8 CFU and must complete the exams within the first year. 

This broad range of physics lectures is complemented by cross-disciplinary courses that equip students with essential skills for effectively communicating their research and applying for competitive grants. To complete their training, students must participate in soft-skill courses offered by the University, earning at least 4 CFU. 

By the end of the second year, PhD students must participate in at least two doctoral schools to build upon and deepen their training. Additionally, Trieste’s several research institutions offer students unique opportunities to participate in seminar cycles and specific workshops on relevant research topics.

The System of credits

General Guidelines:

  • PhD students must earn at least a minimum of 20 credits within the 3 years of the course duration
  • There are 7 different types of activities recognized for credit allocation
  • Each activity is characterized by a minimum and maximum number of credits that can be recognized