Doctoral students can carry out part of their research activity at qualified institutions abroad subject to prior approval by the Supervisor.
Study periods abroad cannot exceed half of the length of the Doctoral programme and must fall within the three years of regular attendance. For those students who have been awarded a scholarship, the daily amount may be increased by up to 50% if the period of stay abroad is uninterrupted and longer than 30 days (except at partner institutions).
Doctoral students must follow the instructions below to be authorized to spend study periods abroad and to receive the 50% increase of the scholarship.
- Before leaving
Send the Study away - pre-departure form to
The following data should be specified:
- exact period to be spent abroad;
- name of the research institution abroad.
If the student fails to send the authorization form to the Doctoral Registrar’s Office before leaving, s/he will not be covered by insurance, nor will s/he receive the 50% increase of the scholarship.
Health insurance abroad: the doctoral student has to contact the local health authorities- When coming back
Send to
- Return from study away form (where to specify any request to use the 50% increase in the doctoral scholarship after a minimum of 30 consecutive days)
- original statement on letterhead written in English and signed by the person in charge of the research activity at the foreign institution; the exact study period must be specified and the date of the statement must correspond to the end of the study period.
Forms for studying in other institution