Final exam

The Rector awards the “Dottore di ricerca” degree to candidates who have successfully passed their final examination, thus proving to have achieved highly scientific and original results.
In their final examination, candidates are expected to successfully defend their thesis, which must have been reviewed by two external referees of high scientific standing appointed by the Academic Board. 
Candidates can be admitted to the public defense in the first exam session or else their viva can be postponed by six months.
The final examination/defence/viva voce is public, and is held before a Board of Examiners selected by the Academic Boards and appointed by Rector’s Decree. 
Should the candidate fail to pass the exam, s/he has no other chance to take the final examination again.

Exam sessions - 37° cycle

1° Exam Session
15 January - 30 April 2025 

2° Exam Session
15 September - 15 October 2025

Regulations for admission to the final examination for the Phd Degree 37th Cycle

Examination boards and schedules - first exam session

Graduation day

On Graduation Day, the ceremony for the proclamation of PhDs, the Rector hands out diplomas to the new graduates. It usually takes place at the end of October each year.

Next GD will take place on 22 October 2024!