Student feedback survey

Purpose of the Survey 
The student opinion survey is a tool aimed at improving teaching and the organisation of of PhD programmes. The University is a member of the Almalaurea consortium for gathering feedback from PhD graduates.

Mandatory Surveys
Completing the questionnaire is mandatory to access the Online Student Service (Esse3) features. This requirement applies during enrolment for the following academic year.

How to Complete the Survey  
Access the Online Student Service (Esse3). After logging in, the PhD programme name will be displayed along with an icon showing the questionnaire’s completion status:

  • Red: The questionnaire has not yet been completed
  • Green: The questionnaire has been completed

Completion Period 
The survey is conducted during the enrolment period for the next academic year. The system provides the questionnaire as part of the enrolment procedure.

Guarantee of Anonymity
The questionnaire responses are processed in aggregate form to ensure anonymity. Authentication is required only to allow one submission per course.