Course Organization

At the end of each year, graduate students are required to submit to the Board of Professors a written report (in English) on their research project. In addition, the students show the results of their projects and future developments in an oral presentation within a dedicated two/three-day mini-symposium organized each summer by the PhD program, attended by the Board memebrs and also by faculty members of UniTs, invited experts and students. 

The Board of Professors performs a yearly assessment of the scientific achievements of each student, based on the above-mentioned report and presentation, as well as on publications, participation to Schools, Workshops and to national or international Symposia, research stages in Italian or foreign scientific institutions. For each PhD student the Board of Professors also performs a yearly assessment of the didactic accomplishments (courses taken, seminars attended). A positive evaluation of both scientific and didactic aspects is needed for being promoted to the subsequent year.