The Course

Our program offers a wide variety of projects in diverse aspects of Molecular Biomedicine, hosting students within several research groups that operate in the Department of Life Sciences (DSV) and the Clinical Department of Medicine and Surgery (DCMC) in the University of Trieste, as well as in the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (IGCEB), the Italian Liver Foundation laboratories in Trieste, and the Oncological Centre in Aviano (PN). The multicentric and multidisciplinary nature of the program provides a broad coverage of current research fields in molecular medicine, facilitates access to advanced equipment, often involves collaboration with biotech companies, and facilitates the participation of foreign students also through international collaborations. All activities are carried out in English. In addition to carrying out leading edge research activities, students participate in intensive training courses and seminars provided by experts from academic and other backgrounds.

The PhD program in Molecular Biomedicine aims to prepare students for high-level careers in biomedical research through a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach. Key objectives include:

  1. Research Training:
    • Full-time, hands-on laboratory research over three years using advanced techniques under expert guidance.
    • Development of critical thinking and scientific observation skills.
  2. Scientific Knowledge and Skills:
    • Exposure to diverse fields like oncology, regenerative medicine, and neurobiology.
    • Participation in advanced courses on methodologies, molecular pathology, and transdisciplinary tools.
  3. Communication and Collaboration:
    • Training in research presentation through internal meetings, conferences, and collaborative projects.
    • Multicultural learning in English with global collaborations.
  4. Career Preparation:
    • Development of autonomy in research design, lab management, and funding.
    • Preparation for careers in academia, biotechnology, clinical research, or alternative paths like science communication.
  5. Evaluation and Feedback:
    • Yearly assessments through public presentations and reports, culminating in a final thesis defense.

This program blends research, training, and collaboration to develop skilled, independent researchers equipped for diverse career paths.

The PhD in Molecular Biomedicine primarily leads to careers in basic and translational biomedical research, mainly within universities, hospitals, and research institutions, but also in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. The training is also suitable for alternative careers, such as in science communication, education, or research funding management. 

The program is designed to provide a solid scientific foundation and high-level experimental skills. The goal for students participating in the program is to achieve a high degree of autonomy in designing and managing a research project over the course of their PhD, including aspects related to lab management and funding. Graduates may find immediate employment in the corporate sector or continue their scientific development through several years of postdoctoral research, with the goal of becoming independent researchers. 

This PhD program prepares graduates for the following professional roles: 

  1. Researcher – in basic biomedical research within academia or the biotechnology/pharmaceutical industry. 
  2. Clinical Investigator – in clinical research within academia, public or private healthcare, or the pharmaceutical industry. 
  3. Biotechnologist – in applied biomedical research within the biotechnology/ pharmaceutical industry, academia, or public or private healthcare.