Course Organization

The PhD program in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science is managed by the Coordinator (Prof. Andrea Carnaghi), the Vice Coordinator (Prof. Mauro Bianchi), and an Adjunct Coordinator (Prof. Sergio Agnoli). The PhD Board includes scholars from various scientific and disciplinary fields related to psychology, such as cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, personality and social psychology, developmental psychology, and neuropsychology, along with experts in neurology and biochemistry. 

Based in the Department of Life Sciences, the PhD Board comprises not only members from this department but also experts from the Department of Medical Sciences at the University of Trieste, as well as from the University of Udine (Department of Languages, Literatures, Communication, Education and Society) and the University of Calabria (Laboratorio di Modellazione, Simulazione e Visualizzazione). The PhD program collaborates closely with, among others, ASUGI (Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina), the National Research Council (CNR), and CRS-Advanced Biotechnologies. Additionally, it benefits from input provided by external experts (Advisory Committee) on the research and study activities of the PhD program, including aspects related to career opportunities. Feedback on research and study activities are also gathered annually from PhD students, with their representative who is strictly involved in the development of the educational project.