Most of Phd positions are funded. The Phd scholarship is € 16.243,00 net of pension contributions. It can be increased by a maximum of 50% for stays outside Italy. The period must be uninterrupted and longer than sixty days.
The scholarship is paid monthly, usually on 25th of each month, one month in arrears.
The scholarship will not be paid if the student is suspended or excluded from the Programme.
If the Phd student is awarded another grant for conducting the same research, payment of the Phd scholarship is suspended for the entire duration of the grant (it needs to be approved by the Doctoral Board).
Students wishing to interrupt their study or decline their scholarship must report immediately to the Doctoral Office using the appropriate forms. The University reserves the right to recover the money where appropriate.
Phd scholarships are assigned on the basis of a comparative evaluation of merit (see Call for Applications) and following the ranking order. Where two or more candidates score the same in the selection process, the one with the lowest family income (known as ISEE) will get preference.
Scholarships cannot be granted to students who have been awarded a doctoral scholarship before, even partially, and cannot be combined with other grants, unless they are awarded from national or foreign institutions which widen the research activity of students through periods abroad, for the purpose of supporting the Phd research abroad.
Along with the ordinary scholarships, a doctoral Programme may offer scholarships funded by the European Union or other international bodies.
Payment of social security contributions
- Scholarships awarded to doctoral students are paid net of social security contributions.
- Scholarship holders must register online at the local office of the Italian National insurance Board (INPS) within 60 days of the start of the Phd Programme.
- For any changes occurring during the year in their pension contributions (e.g. if the student starts or suspends an activity involving registration with a pension fund), scholarship holders must contact INPS and notify the Doctoral Office.
- For further information on pension contributions, students are advised to consult the local INPS office.

The Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia targets resources of the European Social Fund (ESF+), Operational Programme 2021/2027, to foster higher education by funding, among others, Phd scholarships.
ESF+ Phd scholarships contribute to:
- enhance competence and promote flexible upskilling and reskilling opportunities for all, taking into account digital skills, better anticipating change and new skills requirements based on labour market needs, facilitating career transitions and promoting professional mobility;
- develop and strengthen the connections with the regional production system and research institutions through co-operation actions with companies or research institutions in the region, or through technology transfer of processes, products, applications or research results.
Holders of Phd scholarships funded by ESF+ are subject to certain duties and obligations, which are set out in the specific notices.