
SFIPOL promotes interdisciplinary research that embraces history, philosophy and social sciences, integrating different methodological approaches. Research projects range from social and political transformations to the evolution of critical thinking and institutions; from the medieval to contemporary history. Research includes topics such as authoritarianism, political and social conflict, material culture, identity and community, the history of power and institutions, philosophy of mind, ethics and bioethics, history of religions and digital philosophy. The programme has two curriculums with complementary, intertwining perspectives that allow students to explore historical dynamics, philosophical issues and socio-political issues in a diachronic and comparative framework. This combined approach allows students to analyse contemporary challenges in the light of their historical roots, stimulating innovation and dialogue between different traditions of thought, to develop new interpretative keys for social and cultural phenomena. 

Collaborations with academic institutions and research centres both at the national and international level, also offer PhD students the opportunity to participate in global research networks and to benefit from a formative experience enriched by periods of study abroad and specialist conferences.

  • Authoritarianism and socio-political conflict in the contemporary age
  • Historical forms of power: republics, monarchies, and empires
  • Ideas, people, and goods in the medieval and modern eras
  • Private memories and collective history
  • Politics and religion in Europe, from the Ancien Régime to the contemporary era
  • History of education and the internationalization of tertiary education
  • Gender history
  • Economic and military history
  • Global history, public history, and local history
  • Structures and cultures of border areas
  • Material culture, identity, and community
  • Democracy, legitimacy, and representativeness of political authority
  • Political institutions and decision-making processes
  • Logic, theories of truth, science, and philosophy of language
  • New philosophies of nature
  • Politics, history, and institutions of extra-European countries
  • Principles in ethics and bioethics, cognitivism, and particularism
  • Perspectives on theoretical philosophy, history of philosophy, and political thought
  • International relations and globalization processes
  • Challenges posed by religions and theology to philosophical debate