SFIPOL is organised by the University of Trieste in collaboration with the University of Udine. Educational activities take place in both locations, which provide excellent bibliographic resources, specialised research centres and rooms especially equipped for PhD students. The doctoral teaching body is composed of experts in the different disciplines of the PhD course and coordinates the ordinary and extraordinary activities offered by the programme.
SFIPOL is divided into two curriculums.
The history curriculum focuses on socio-economic, institutional, political, cultural, religious and scientific history, with particular attention to the ‘border’ as a social phenomenon from the Middle Ages to the present, at a local and global level.
The philosophy and political science curriculum focuses on contemporary debates, cultural pluralities, and human transformations. It addresses complexity with phenomenological, analytical, and hermeneutical approaches, and conceptual analysis in philosophy, history of ideas, and social and cognitive sciences. This programme offers opportunities to benefit from collaboration with external institutions, such as libraries, archives and documentation centres, which further enrich students’ education.
Deputy Coordinator
Department offices
The offices that support the management of the Doctoral Course are as follows
Central offices
The Course Board has programmatic tasks and supervises the teaching and research activities of the Course
Deputy Coordinator
The Doctoral School Advisory Board plays a steering role with regard to the scientific and educational design of doctoral courses
Coming soon...
The group steers the doctoral course in the field of self-assessment, evaluation and accreditation in accordance with the ANVUR guidelines and model
The representatives of the doctoral students, not exceeding two in number, participate in the meetings of the Course Board regarding educational and organizational matters
Coming soon...