The inter-university PhD programme has its administrative headquarters at the University of Trieste. Educational activities are mainly carried out at the Gorizia Campus. Some of them, however, may also take place at the Piazzale Europa Campus in Trieste and at the Rizzi Campus in Udine. This programme is officially offered by UniTS’ Department of Engineering and Architecture, but UniUD's Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture actively contributes to it.
This PhD programme is designed, organised and managed by the doctoral teaching body and a council acting as an advisory board for all educational activities. The doctoral teaching body is composed of professors from the two universities and includes a group responsible for the quality of the course's educational and research activities. The council is composed of professors and experts from different disciplines from UniTS, UniUD and some foreign universities. Two steering committees (one for each curriculum) are set up to provide regular briefings and updates with professional associations, companies, trade associations and alumni.
In addition, every year, students and teachers take part in events organised by other universities (in person and remotely) on topics relating to the scientific evolution of relevant disciplines.
This PhD programme promotes a constant and open dialogue with its students not just through their representatives, but also through the organisation of regular seminars on research and educational activities and on their possible integration and improvement.
Department offices
The offices that support the management of the Doctoral Course are as follows
Central offices
The Course Board has programmatic tasks and supervises the teaching and research activities of the Course
The Doctoral School Advisory Board plays a steering role with regard to the scientific and educational design of doctoral courses
The group steers the doctoral course in the field of self-assessment, evaluation and accreditation in accordance with the ANVUR guidelines and model
The representatives of the doctoral students, not exceeding two in number, participate in the meetings of the Course Board regarding educational and organizational matters
These are the institutions and bodies outside the university that collaborate with the doctoral course in both teaching and research activities