The Course

Graduates from this doctoral degree course leave with excellent subject knowledge and practical skills and are capable of broadening their own knowledge, developing innovative research and project methodologies, and carrying out research and qualified professional activities thanks to their excellent technical skills. 

The architecture curriculum includes disciplines such as architectural and urban composition, urbanism, technical architecture and drawing. Students explore theories and methods of design ranging from a building's stairway to larger territorial projects. Techniques and instruments used include advanced surveying and representation tools, economic evaluation, and construction techniques based on environmental sustainability. 

The civil and environmental engineering curriculum focuses on topics such as structural and construction engineering, hydraulic engineering, hydrology and topography. Research focuses on the analysis and resilient design of infrastructure (including their environmental impact), the effects of climate change and the use of sustainable materials and technologies.

The objective of the course is to provide PhD students with the theoretical and methodological foundations necessary for training in the field of scientific research. This research is explored through the different components outlined by the various scientific sectors and the topics addressed in the two curricula: Civil-Environmental Engineering and Architecture.

During the first year, the training includes a component of teaching activities focused on basic scientific topics and organisational aspects of research, tailored to the student's prior academic background and research theme. Additionally, the state of the art in the chosen field of research is reviewed, and the main study topic for further exploration in the subsequent years is identified.

In the second and third years, individual themes are developed through specific fieldwork, which ideally involves a placement with research institutions, public administrations, or private and public entities of international relevance.

Common aspects of the training include a multidisciplinary theoretical-experimental approach, which is a distinguishing feature of the research, and engagement with the local territory. The primary educational goal is to enhance the individual doctoral student’s professional profile for the national and international advanced research market.

The alignment of activities with this goal is periodically assessed by the Academic Board through meetings and discussion seminars.

By developing the potential and skills of each student, this doctoral programme aims to provide the theoretical and methodological foundations necessary for researchers in the different disciplines which make up the two curriculums. 

Specifically, the programme creates professionals and researchers with career prospects in multiple areas of the research and work market at a national and international level ranging from business to research and education (universities, research institutions, etc.), and from public administration (local authorities, superintendencies, etc.) to private practices.