The interuniversity PhD program is administratively based at the University of Trieste and benefits from the active involvement of the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental, and Animal Sciences at the University of Udine, which serves as an associated site. Additionally, four researchers from the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) in Trieste contribute to the program. The program includes a PhD Board, comprised of 32 members, including full and associate professors, university researchers, and OGS researchers, as well as a Council acting as the scientific advisory board. Members of the Council may also serve as co-supervisors for doctoral students. The PhD Board and the Council meet periodically to monitor the progress of the course, to oversee the research and training advancements of the doctoral students, and to approve the students' administrative practices. Meetings of the PhD Board also include two representatives from the doctoral students, one from each partner university.
Department offices
The offices that support the management of the Doctoral Course are as follows
Central offices
The Course Board has programmatic tasks and supervises the teaching and research activities of the Course
The Doctoral School Advisory Board plays a steering role with regard to the scientific and educational design of doctoral courses
The group steers the doctoral course in the field of self-assessment, evaluation and accreditation in accordance with the ANVUR guidelines and model
The representatives of the doctoral students, not exceeding two in number, participate in the meetings of the Course Board regarding educational and organizational matters