Courses and programmes

The PhD programme has an innovative structure, which includes various types of training activities.

The PhD program offers a series of advanced courses and seminars designed for all doctoral students, focusing on theoretical and experimental aspects that are fundamental and applicable across all areas within the program. Each doctoral candidate is free to work with their supervisor to identify specific courses, lectures, or seminars that align with and support their individual research projects. The faculty also organizes periodic seminar cycles on a range of topics, inviting external speakers to contribute. The schedule for these activities is updated annually, reflecting the research interests of the doctoral candidates to help them explore various areas within their fields of study. All instructional activities are conducted in English. 

According to the PhD teaching guidelines at the University of Trieste, each candidate must obtain 20 CFU (academic credits) by the end of the three-year program. The PhD program also emphasizes to spend period abroad, participating to national and international congresses, as well as linguistic enhancement and the development of skills in data management, intellectual property, and scientific project writing. These are addressed through cross-disciplinary training activities provided by the University of Trieste's doctoral office.

The System of credits

General Guidelines:

  • PhD students must earn at least a minimum of 20 credits within the 3 years of the course duration
  • There are 7 different types of activities recognized for credit allocation
  • Each activity is characterized by a minimum and maximum number of credits that can be recognized